A Good Journalist and the 10 Elements: Class Discussion

“What makes a good journalist?”

This is how our class discussion on the 10 elements of Journalsim started a few weeks ago. When Mr. Miller told our class that we would be discussing the 10 elements of Journalsim, I had no clue what he was talking about. I wondered if it was a term that all Journalsits knew, or only a select few. However, after walking away from our class discussion, I realize that the 10 elements of Journalsim are an essential if you want to become a good journalist. But what exactly is a good journalist? If you had asked me before high school started, I wouldn’t of been able to tell you. But I am now able to use my knowledge from this class discussion to piece together what a good journalist is. When the phrase “ good journalist” pops up in my mind, I automatically think of  someone who is truthful, and is honest with his or her viewers. I think of someone who is unbiased and is loyal to everyone, not just the people in power. Now, this isn’t the correct answer on what a good journalist is. There is no correct answer. Go ask a few other people, and they will give you a different answer each time.  My point is, using the 10 elements of Journalsim, I am able to get a better understanding of how I want to spend my next 4 years here at duPont Manual as a journalist. I want to be a journalist who is truthful, and loyal, and unbiased. Using the skills I learned in this class discussion, I know how I can be a successful journalist, not only in school, but in the real world.


  1. I agree with your statement. I, as well, didn't really think much about "what makes a journalist?" I didn't really know what it meant. After we talked about it more, I can tell my family that a journalist is someone who is truthful, loyal, and unbiased. For the next 4 years, I too want to have a better understanding of journalism and I am excited about what we learn next!


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